
Sajek Classic Resorts, nestled on the hillside of Sajek Valley, presents breathtaking vistas of clouds, mountains, and rivers. Stay in cozy cottages featuring private balconies and fireplaces, relish local cuisine, partake in outdoor activities, and immerse in cultural events. Discover relaxation amidst nature’s splendor at Sajek Classic Resorts.

Room Amenities

  • Room Amenities
    • 24/7 Reception
    • HD TV
    • 24/7 Room Service
    • Private Parking
    • Smoking Room

Room Features

  • Room Features
    • Bathroom

Room types

  • Room types
    • Family rooms
    • couple room


  • 4
  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0

Based on 5 ratings

Reviewed by 5 users

    • 6 months ago

    This resort is situated east side of sajek. You can enjoy good view of hills and clouds

    • 6 months ago

    Sajek itself is the best place, plus if you got a place like this it will make your trip 100% complete!
    The staff, Sohel bhai was amazing, super helpful and doesn’t demand at all in return (its up to you). As per electricity, fan and light was for 24 hours (solar system one) and generator will help you charge your stuffs 4 hours at night and half an hour in the morning. Water was available 24 hrs. Even when we ask for food delivery Sohel bhai brought it for us. In one word, it was AWESOME!

    • 6 months ago

    I loved this place. Though its little bit of expensive zone. But its worth living. You can see clouds coming from the east. Their service is also nice. Bed blankets were clean enough. Rooms were big and nicely decorated. It can be a choice of traveling Sajek.

    • 6 months ago

    রিসোর্ট আশ্চর্যজনক ছিল এবং রিসর্টটি দেখতে খুব আকর্ষণীয়। সেবা আরও ভাল হতে পারে।

    • 6 months ago

    সাজেকের অন্যতম সেরা রিসোর্ট।

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